Following the 2-0 victory against Fiorentina, which ensured Milan will gain direct access to the Champions League, coach Carlo Ancelotti officially revealed he is leaving the club after eight years, but did not confirm yet he is leaving for Chelsea.
Shortly thereafter, vice president Adriano Galliani also announced to Rai that the next coach will be Leonardo, until recently a manager at the club, and that he will be unveiled in a press conference tomorrow.
The former Rossoneri midfielder, who played 96 games for the Milan club, had been highly tipped to step in should Ancelotti leave. The rumours have now been confirmed.
“It's true, Leonardo will be the Milan coach next season. He will be presented to the press on Monday at midday,” Galliani said on Raidue Stadio Sprint before thanking the departing Ancelotti.
“It's not over with Ancelotti. There remains friendship, affection and eight marvellous years together.
“I am very good friends with Carlo and I must admit there were a few tears shed in the locker room this evening.”
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